Lot 14c: Pacamara Tierradentro, Natural

Why this name?:

The Tierradentro region is in the department of Cauca, located on the eastern slope of the Central Cordillera, and belongs to the hydrographic basin of the Magdalena River.
Its park was created in 1945, and declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1995, recognizing this site as a unique and exceptional testimony of a vanished civilization.

Lot Description

Reference Number:14c
Opening Bid:$14.00/lb
무게:53 lbs
Producer Cupping Notes:Fragrance and aroma: Cocoa, pinapple, liquorish, papaya, and lavander. Taste and aftertaste: Liquorish, tropical fruits, liche, sweet spices, sweet chocolate, medium citrus acidity, juicy, and dense body.

Coffee details


Fermentation: The whole cherries are fermented for 20 hours in open tanks. Once this first stage is finished the batch is moved to barrels where the cherries go through a second fermention for 72 hours in anaerobic form. This two fermentations processes take place at Cerro Azul farm at an altitude of 1880 masl. This altitude and microclimate helps mantaining the temperature between 15 - 21ºC.

Drying Method: Once the whole fermetation is finished the cherries are moved to a mechanical dryer where they last 8 days until moistures is on the ideal percentage point. This mechanical dryers are regulated to a temprature of 38°C - 39°C.

Farm details

Farm Elevation: 1570-1850 MSNM
Average Rainfall: 1340 MM/annual, Humidity: 73% Temperature: 17°C - 22°C

Producer Story:

Farm Name: Las Margaritas

District: Colombia, Valle de Cauca, Caicedonia

Crop Size: 6.1 Hectares

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